The corporate world isn’t always a gentle place to be planted.

It’s time to find your way to flourishing.

When you work with the Seedling Coach, you’ll experience the power of guided growth and leadership development that keeps you focused on your unique path of career progress. Even if it hasn’t been easy to grow and challenges lie ahead…
you can do this!

Career & Leadership Coaching

Seedling growing out of sand



in your value.

Navigating the obstacles of your early career and overcoming barriers to success requires a self-advocacy dedication that doesn’t always come easily. Seedling Coaching can help you build genuine, lasting confidence in your value. Our clients have worked through imposter syndrome, learned to communicate their neurodivergent needs and strengths, and cultivated connections in their workplaces despite discrimination, exclusion, and long-held insecurities. The kind of confidence you’ll walk away from each session with is a combination of courage, comfort, and a clear understanding of who you are.

Take your next step powerfully.

Get the


you deserve.

Steady and sustainable growth is what sets Seedling Coaching apart. We support our clients as they find new ways to stand out and rise in their careers. One of our clients came to us after feeling she was ready to jump ship three times the previous year. She was new to her career, yet she knew something had to change. Through strategic and authentic networking, she earned a huge award in front of her entire team and now works with senior managers and C-Level leaders. 

Show up and stand out fearlessly.

Find the


that will keep you going.

Having an exciting career that you’re passionate about includes embracing the peace that comes with being in the right role, team, and work environment. Often those who have recently left toxic and abusive work environments expect things in their new workplace to turn chaotic. They are always ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop.’ Through Seedling Coaching, our clients learn to trust themselves and their team members so that they can truly enjoy the job that they have worked so hard for. 

Surround yourself with support.

What to Expect with Seedling Coach

Career coaching with Seedling Coach typically spans at least six months in the form of monthly or bi-monthly sessions. Each coaching program is highly tailored to the individual and targeted towards defined, deliberate, and measurable goals.

Programs can be customized to meet your individuals needs and prices are scaled to match your current career level.

Woman on a mountaintop

Seedling Coach equips you to…

  • Ascend in the company you work for

  • Assertively and compassionately lead a team

  • Gain mastery of management skills

  • Find personal or professional balance

  • Build confidence in your competence

  • Develop a valuable habit of reflection

“I accepted the manager role we discussed a few weeks ago. Wanted to give a big thank you to you for all your help and time to get me here. I'm so excited for the opportunity!”

-Seedling Client